Corporate and External Issues Scrutiny - Monday 22 July 2024, 6:00pm - Slides Tab - Bolton Council Webcasting

Corporate and External Issues Scrutiny
Monday, 22nd July 2024 at 6:00pm 









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  1. Cllr Galloway CONS
  2. Cllr Galloway CONS
  3. Vicky Ridge Head of Democratics
  4. Cllr Galloway CONS
  5. Vicky Ridge Head of Democratics
  6. Cllr Galloway CONS
  7. Officer
  8. Cllr Galloway CONS
  9. Officer
  10. Cllr Galloway CONS
  11. Officer
  12. Cllr Galloway CONS
  13. Cllr Maureen Flitcroft FWH & KSY
  14. Officer
  15. Cllr Galloway CONS
  16. Cllr Priest LIB DEM
  17. Officer
  18. Cllr Priest LIB DEM
  19. Officer
  20. Cllr Galloway CONS
  21. Cllr Walsh CONS
  22. Officer
  23. Cllr Galloway CONS
  24. Cllr Peel LAB
  25. Cllr Galloway CONS
  26. Cllr T Hewitt CONS
  27. Officer
  28. Cllr Galloway CONS
  29. Cllr Shafaqat Shaikh LAB
  30. Officer
  31. Cllr Galloway CONS
  32. Officer
  34. Cllr Galloway CONS
  35. Cllr Mort LAB
  36. Officer
  37. Cllr Mort LAB
  38. Cllr Galloway CONS
  39. Cllr David Chadwick LAB
  40. Officer
  41. Cllr Galloway CONS
  42. Cllr Galloway CONS
  43. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  44. Cllr Galloway CONS
  45. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  46. Cllr Galloway CONS
  47. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  48. Cllr Galloway CONS
  49. Cllr Walsh CONS
  50. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  51. Cllr Galloway CONS
  52. Cllr Maureen Flitcroft FWH & KSY
  53. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  54. Cllr Maureen Flitcroft FWH & KSY
  55. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  56. Cllr Galloway CONS
  57. Cllr T Hewitt CONS
  58. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  59. Cllr T Hewitt CONS
  60. Cllr Galloway CONS
  61. Cllr Priest LIB DEM
  62. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  63. Cllr Galloway CONS
  64. Cllr Haworth LAB
  65. Cllr Galloway CONS
  66. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  67. Cllr Galloway CONS
  68. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  69. Cllr Galloway CONS
  70. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  71. Cllr Galloway CONS
  72. Cllr A Cowen CONS
  73. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  74. Cllr A Cowen CONS
  75. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  76. Cllr Haworth LAB
  77. Cllr Galloway CONS
  78. Cllr Mort LAB
  79. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  80. Cllr Galloway CONS
  81. Cllr Maureen Flitcroft FWH & KSY
  82. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  83. Cllr Haworth LAB
  84. Cllr Maureen Flitcroft FWH & KSY
  85. Cllr Haworth LAB
  86. Cllr Galloway CONS
  87. Cllr David Chadwick LAB
  88. Andrew Williamson ASSISTANT DIR
  89. Cllr Galloway CONS
  90. Cllr Peel LAB
  91. Cllr Galloway CONS
  92. Cllr Jiva LAB
  93. Cllr Galloway CONS
  94. Webcast Finished
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